As July 4th approaches, many Austinites are looking forward to the fireworks displays that light up the night sky. While fireworks are a fantastic way to celebrate, they also come with significant risks. At Elements of Restoration, we want to ensure your festivities are safe and enjoyable. Here are some essential fire safety tips to help you prevent fire and smoke damage while celebrating with fireworks.

Before You Light Up

  1. Check Local Laws: Ensure fireworks are legal in your area. Some regions, especially during dry seasons, have specific regulations or bans.
  2. Read Instructions: Carefully follow the instructions on each firework.
  3. Have a Safety Zone: Designate a clear, open area away from homes, dry grass, trees, and other flammable materials. Maintain a safe distance from spectators.
  4. Keep Water Nearby: Have a bucket of water, a hose, or a fire extinguisher within reach.

During the Fireworks Display

  1. Light One at a Time: Only light one firework at a time and never relight a dud. Wait 20 minutes, then soak it in water.
  2. Use Safety Gear: Wear protective eyewear and keep pets and young children at a safe distance.
  3. Never Hold Fireworks: Use a stable, flat surface to light fireworks.
  4. Avoid Alcohol: Save the celebrations for after the display.

After the Display

  1. Soak Used Fireworks: Soak used fireworks in water before disposing of them in a metal trash can.
  2. Inspect Your Property: Check your yard and surrounding areas for any stray sparks or embers.
  3. Ventilate: If you notice lingering smoke, ventilate the area immediately.

In Case of Fire or Smoke Damage

Despite precautions, accidents can happen. If you experience fire or smoke damage, Elements of Restoration is here to help:

  1. Emergency Response: Available 24/7 for prompt assistance.
  2. Thorough Assessment: Comprehensive assessment and detailed restoration plan.
  3. Expert Restoration: IICRC-certified professionals use advanced techniques and equipment.
  4. Insurance Assistance: We work with your insurance company to ensure a smooth claims process.


Fireworks are a beloved part of July 4th celebrations, but they must be used responsibly to ensure everyone’s safety. By following these fire safety tips, you can enjoy a spectacular display without the risk of fire or smoke damage to your property. If you ever need assistance, Elements of Restoration is just a call away, ready to restore and protect your home.

Contact Elements of Restoration Today!
Phone: 512-550-0645
Website: Visit Our Website

Stay safe this July 4th, Austin, and have a happy and fire-free celebration!